My View Children's Therapy

My View is a talking therapy service aiming to stabilise and improve the psychological and emotional well-being of separated asylum-seeking children.

My View Children's Therapy
Please note that the My View Service is accepting new referrals.
What is this service?
My View is a talking therapy service aiming to stabilise and improve the psychological and emotional well-being of separated asylum-seeking children.
Regrettably we do not have the expertise to offer a crisis service and are unable to support young people who are in need of clinical intervention or suffering from serious psychological disorders.
We offer general counselling both online and in person, in tandem with casework support to enable the young people to manage their day-to-day challenges on their asylum journey.
What we offer:
- Up to 8-12 one to one therapy sessions - face to face or remote.
- Psycho-social groups
- Creative Wellbeing Techniques
- Psychoeducational workshops for clients upon request (i.e. sleep hygiene, trauma, drug awareness)
- One off 3 crisis sessions
- Workshops for social workers, foster carers, teachers, mental health services and other mainstream service providers (upon request, within our strategic areas) to raise awareness regarding the specific needs of young refugees.
- My View key delivery locations include London, East of England, and Yorkshire and Humberside where we can offer face-to-face or online sessions.
- We can offer support in remote locations
Can I use this service?
You can access this service if you are:
- A separated child (living in the UK without their family) who is seeking asylum.
- Between the ages of 12-21 years old.
Who can refer:
- Anyone with a concern regarding an eligible young person in their care i.e. social services, medical professionals, housing providers, teachers or educators.
- Self-referral (18+)
How do I contact this service?
While we are taking referrals, please note that our service is in very high demand, and it may take between 2-3 months before the young person is assigned to a therapist.
If you feel your young person requires more urgent support or support quicker than we may be able to offer you may find the following links useful:
- Hub of Hope
- YoungMinds
- Samaritans can offer 24/7 support to a young person in crisis.
- Please contact 111 for urgent help with mental health.
Please find our referral form below, and ensure that the form is signed and completed fully before sending it to