Our Refugee Involvement Strategy

Our Refugee Involvement Strategy

Find out how we are expanding and improving the involvement of refugees in all aspects of the Refugee Council’s work

Our Refugee Involvement Strategy

Find out how we are expanding and improving the involvement of refugees in all aspects of the Refugee Council’s work

What is Refugee Involvement?

Meaningful involvement of refugees is at the heart of the Refugee Council’s identity. We work and speak with refugees, not for them.

Involving refugees in the work of the Refugee Council means that the work is done with or by refugees. It means that refugees work in partnership with staff in all parts of the organisation. Refugees shape and influence decision-making at all levels.

What is the Refugee Involvement Strategy?

The Refugee Involvement Strategy shows how we will be expanding and improving involvement of refugees in all areas of our work. The strategy covers 2022-2025. It is a core part of our overall strategy [PDF].

What is the Refugee Involvement Delivery Plan?

The Refugee Involvement Delivery plan is an overview of how we will bring refugees into our organisational decision-making. It structures how we will develop activities, training and resources.

It also looks at how we will create a cultural shift towards refugee involvement in every part of the Refugee Council.

Our delivery plan emphasises learning through doing, and sharing that learning across the organisation. This will help to create a supportive culture and the change in mindset and behaviour necessary for refugee involvement to be meaningful.

Enver Solomon CEO, Refugee Council