Families Together

Families Together

Families Together

Current UK law allows adult refugees rebuilding their lives in the country to sponsor their immediate family members to join them, but child refugees are completely deprived this right.

When a child arrives in the UK as a refugee, they see their new home as a place of safety from the conflict and persecution they left behind. But even when their asylum claim is accepted a new ordeal awaits them.

Current UK law allows adult refugees rebuilding their lives in the country to sponsor their immediate family members to join them. Child refugees, however, are completely deprived this right.

We are fighting to change these rules and reunite more refugees with their family.

The Families Together coalition is made up of over 100 organisations including the Refugee Council.

The coalition is calling for:

  • Child refugees to be able to sponsor their parents and siblings.
  • Adult refugees to be able to sponsor their parents.
  • The reintroduction of legal aid for refugee family reunion.