Refugee Council employee from Iraq supports people building a life in Hull
Employment Advisor Amer shares his passion for his job, using his personal experience and expertise to help refugees start their lives again in the North East.
Refugee Council employee from Iraq supports people building a life in Hull
Employment Advisor Amer shares his passion for his job, using his personal experience and expertise to help refugees start their lives again in the North East.
Refugee Council employee from Iraq supports people building a life in Hull
Amer loves coming to work at Refugee Council in Hull each day, where he uses his own experience of being a refugee to help families arriving in the north-eastern city to build new lives.
His family fled Iraq when Amer was a young boy as his father was in danger under Saddam Hussain’s regime. Amer grew up in Jordan until they joined his uncle in England, landing in Hull when Amer was a teenager trying to finish his education and start a career. The early years in the UK for his family were difficult with many uncertainties and challenges.
Amer said: “I am an example for any refugee who comes. It will be tough but we will go through it together. I know what it is like to go through. If I can do it, you can do it. I am always passionate working with the clients.”
I have dealt with clients from countries like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan. I have people who have business degrees, are doctors, lawyers and they built that life and then they start from zero here
Knowing that many people arriving in England have left behind successful and fulfilled lives is Amer’s starting point to a relationship. Understanding their loss and knowing the path they now have to take: “I have dealt with clients from countries like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan. I have people who have business degrees, are doctors, lawyers and they built that life and then they start from zero here. You have to understand that first. You have to listen to them before you offer them what you can do.”
Amer began as a volunteer at the Refugee Council and then started working at the charity, first as a resettlement support worker and now employment advisor.
"The role of a resettlement worker allowed me to play a crucial role in helping refugees rebuild their lives, supporting them through the process of settling in a new country, and offering practical and emotional support."
The role of a resettlement worker allowed me to play a crucial role in helping refugees rebuild their lives, supporting them through the process of settling in a new country, and offering practical and emotional support.

"Moving to the employment advisor role has given me the opportunity to further impact the community positively by helping refugees to be financially independent and integrate into society through meaningful employment.
It is a win win situation if you start early with people. In the hotels for example I sit with them and give them a little bit of hope. We [Refugee Council] have drop ins at one of our partners, a charity in Hull called Welcome House [it offers welcome and support to people seeking asylum and refugees in the city]. Every week when I sit with people that are eligible to work, you see others that are lost and are sitting and waiting. If you have some time just sit and speak and show them they are noticed.”
Amer also works closely with other local organisations in the area to provide support into employment or English as a second language classes.
“I am not exaggerating, it is really rewarding. I was an asylum seeker myself, I want to help them. I want to see that happiness in their eyes.” ◆
Amer's passion for his work is truly inspiring. If you would like to support him and the work we do at the Refugee Council, please consider making a donation today.

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