Supporting refugees into employment - Refugee Council

Supporting refugees into employment

The Refugee Council has over 30 years of experience in providing employment support to refugees to restart their careers and rebuild their lives in the UK.

Refugees face huge challenges in getting a job. Some fled war-torn countries before they completed their education. Others are highly skilled professionals who are struggling to have their qualifications recognised in the UK. They all have so much to contribute but need a helping hand to understand the systems and working culture in the UK and become financially independent.

Our team of expert employment advisers understand the barriers to working in the UK. We work closely with refugees to develop an achievable plan to get back to work. We offer employment-preparation workshops, help with CVs and interview techniques.  We provide work experience opportunities and ultimately support people for as long as they need us to find a job that’s right for them.

In 2022/2023 our Integration and Employment services enabled:


refugees to overcome the key challenges to rebuilding their lives in the UK.


people to secure employment at entry and professional levels.


people to develop their employability through mentoring programmes, job placements and training.

New Roots is our specialist employment service for refugees. We recognise that everyone is an individual with different aspirations and challenges. We work closely with employers such as the NHS, IKEA and ServiceNow to identify the right candidates and fully support them in their chosen career.

Our employment projects

If you are an employer and would like to learn more please get in touch.

Refugees face a unique set of barriers to landing a job, (re)starting their careers in the UK and applying their many skills and experiences to the UK labour market.

For refugees, a job is about more than simply making a living and gaining financial independence. It’s a chance to make friends, be a part of the community and fully contribute to UK society – all with a new sense of purpose and identity. We cannot do this alone, so support from employers is vital.

We are particularly interested in collaborating with employers in England who pay the real Living Wage (the wage rate based on what people need to get by, independently-calculated according to the cost of living).

Refugee Council proudly works to support all refugees in need of protection in the UK. As such, our employment support pathways are open to all refugees regardless of their country of origin. We do not limit our activities to particular refugee groups or communities but instead recognise the value of bringing people together to connect, learn and share experiences.

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Refugees into Jobs

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