Helping refugees to find a home - Refugee Council

Helping refugees to find a home

A private rental is the only option for many single refugees who are not viewed as priorities for housing by local authorities. But finding a deposit and rent in advance for landlords is beyond the reach of most.

Many face homelessness and destitution. We act to prevent this.

Our Private Rented Scheme (PRS) in London helps newly recognised refugees who have become homeless as a direct result of being granted protection in the UK.

We offer advice and assistance with finding accommodation, accessing housing benefit and applying for loans or grants to help with rent deposits.

For refugees that cannot afford to pay a deposit, we can offer landlords a deposit bond on their behalf.


tenancies were secured with private landlords in London for refugees experiencing homelessness in 2022-2023.

Get support

If you are a newly recognised refugee in London and need some advice on our Private Rented Scheme, find out more below.

Contact details

Private Rented Scheme

Support our work

If you are a London landlord or have a spare room to rent find out more about how to get involved or get in touch at the details below. Alternatively, support our work for refugees by making a donation or volunteering on one of our projects.

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