March 21, 2003
Home Office suspends decisions on Iraqi asylum claims
The Home Office has suspended decision-making on asylum applications from Iraqi nationals. According to the Asylum…
March 18, 2003
Court of Appeal upholds High Court decision on asylum support
In response to today’s Court of Appeal ruling on Section 55 of the Nationality, Immigration and…
February 28, 2003
Iraq tops list of asylum claims to the UK
The publication today of the annual asylum statistics for 2002 reveal that about half of all…
February 27, 2003
Home Office denies victims of torture right to travel
The Government is to impose tough controls on travel documents issued to people with Exceptional Leave…
February 27, 2003
UK Government curtails protection for Iraqis
The Refugee Council has been advised by the Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) that…
February 19, 2003
High Court ruling restores food and shelter to destitute asylum seekers
The High Court today ruled the Government is wrongly interpreting the law in denying food and…
February 11, 2003
In response to today’s government announcement on accommodation centre sites, Margaret Lally, acting Chief Executive of the Refugee Council said:
“We very much welcome the Government’s continued consideration of the Refugee Council’s accommodation centre model. We…
February 7, 2003
In response to comments made by Prime Minister Tony Blair to BBC’s
Newsnight programme (to be broadcast this evening) Margaret Lally, acting Chief Executive of the Refugee…
February 2, 2003
In response to the Archbishop
In response to today’s interview in the Sunday Times with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Fazil Kawani,…
January 28, 2003
Refugee Council’s five point plan to end asylum gridlock
The frenzy around the asylum debate, being whipped up by daily pronouncements from the Government and…