June 21, 2006
New report highlights inadequate conditions in immigration holding centres
Anne Owers, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, today issued a report on four immigration holding centres.
June 19, 2006
Player Stories from Leeds Refugee World Cup
Yesterday, Sunday 18 June, refugees and their supporters from Leeds took part in the Refugee World…
June 19, 2006
Zimbabwean award winner joins Leeds MP for refugee carnival procession
On Monday June 19th Samuel Mnyama, who fled persecution in Zimbabwe and won a Year of…
June 15, 2006
‘Different pasts, shared future’ – unique collaboration as party leaders praise the contribution of refugees
Tony Blair praises the ‘courage and resilience’ of asylum seekers and refugees as he joins David…
June 6, 2006
Khartoum “safe as ghost houses” for asylum seekers facing removal
A new report commissioned by the Aegis Trust details the dangers faced by hundreds of survivors…
June 5, 2006
UN warns against negative depictions of refugees by media and politicians
A new report by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees warns that, despite the substantial drop…
May 23, 2006
New Minister of State for nationality, citizenship and immigration
A new Minister for of State for nationality, citizenship and immigration was part of the announcement…
May 23, 2006
New figures reveal increase in number of children locked up in the UK
New government statistics released today show that the number of children detained for immigration purposes has…
May 23, 2006
One in four appeals now successful, show latest asylum figures
Government figures released today show that while removals of failed asylum seekers is at an all-time…
May 22, 2006
Refugee Council backs Church’s call on government to lead public opinion on asylum
The Government must “lead rather than follow” public opinion on asylum policy according to…