Our response to criminal activity against asylum hotels - Refugee Council
August 5, 2024

Our response to criminal activity against asylum hotels

We join many members of the British public in being horrified and appalled by the violent criminal activity that has been seen in Rotherham, Tamworth and elsewhere over the past few days, including vicious attacks on asylum hotels. 

As a charity that has worked with refugees and people seeking asylum for over 70 years, we see daily the devastating impact that hatred and aggression can have on people and communities. We condemn these events, which should have no place in our society. The people seeking safety being accommodated in these hotels came to the UK to find protection, not to be met with hate and violence.  

You can see our full response to these events below. 

Enver Solomon, CEO of the Refugee Council, said: 

“It’s terrifying for the people housed in the hotel to be faced with such levels of hate and violence, after having escaped from war and persecution in countries like Afghanistan, Syria and Sudan and come to the UK in search of a safe haven. They want to be able to rebuild their lives and contribute to our communities. 

“The authorities must take every step to ensure all asylum accommodation is kept safe and protestors are not able to gain entry and carry out these appalling attacks. There must be an urgent review to address why protestors were able to get into the hotel and ensure steps are taken to prevent it from happening again.   

“The criminal activity and disorder in Rotherham and elsewhere do not represent the country that we are nor the values of humanity and compassion that most people in Britain stand for.   

“As a nation, we must stand firm in our condemnation of the far-right and work together to heal our communities and ensure refugees are treated with dignity and respect.” 

We are monitoring these events very closely and staying in regular contact with relevant authorities and other refugee organisations.   

If you are affected by any of these events and are seeking help and advice, you may find it helpful to visit this page from Hope not Hate.