May 9, 2016
‘Now I can use my skills in the NHS’
Mukhayer is a refugee doctor from Sudan. With the unwavering support of the Refugee Council, he…
April 25, 2016
Learning To Let Go
As the refugee crisis intensifies, it seems like every day you can open your paper and…
April 11, 2016
‘One day I want to help rebuild Iraq and Syria’
Amaal is in the second year of her architecture degree. Like many of her peers she…
April 4, 2016
‘Now we look forward to the future’
Hamed worked as an interpreter for British forces in Iraq and was forced to flee when…
March 31, 2016
Flying the flag in Norfolk
As part of its commitment to sharing best practice My View therapists deliver training…
March 8, 2016
A sense of community
Hull is this year celebrating 10 years of refugee resettlement. To give a special insight into…
March 7, 2016
We support newly resettled refugee families for 12 months after they arrive in their new home.
March 6, 2016
Lots to learn
We meet newly resettled refugees at the airport when they arrive in the UK, take them…
March 5, 2016
Lost for words
The little girl has come to the UK with her aunt and two baby cousins. She’s…
March 4, 2016
‘For me, education is the most important thing’
The two young women are sitting in their new living room when we meet them. They’ve…