Home Affairs Select Committee Report on the work of the UK Border Agency – Our response - Refugee Council
April 11, 2012

Home Affairs Select Committee Report on the work of the UK Border Agency – Our response

In response to the report published today by the Home Affairs Select Committee on the work of the UK Border Agency, Donna Covey, Chief Executive of the Refugee Council said:

“Having told the public it had cleared the asylum backlog, this report confirms that the UKBA is still working on live cases. These are people who have been in the UK for years, many living in limbo with no rights, and they deserve a quick and reasonable decision.

“We urge the government to heed the warning given in this report, repeating that of the Independent Chief Inspector, that the UKBA is not using country of origin information appropriately in all cases. The selective use of information, speculation and incorrect assumptions in life or death decisions must cease without delay.

“We are pleased the report also raises concerns about sending people back to countries like Sri Lanka, where their lives may be at risk. The UKBA must acknowledge the dangers facing people in their countries of origin and provide protection until they can return home safely. People seeking asylum must get a fair and effective service and a decision that is of the best possible quality.”


For further information please contact Philippa McIntyre on 020 7346 1214 or 07956 636 219.

The full report can be read here: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201012/cmselect/cmhaff/1722/172203.htm