Public Accounts Committee publishes report into asylum backlog - Refugee Council
June 16, 2009

Public Accounts Committee publishes report into asylum backlog

A report published today by the Public Accounts Committee in the House of Commons criticised the backlog of asylum cases under the New Asylum Model. While it welcomed the introduction of the Model, and the new system of Case Resolution to deal with all the cases that had been outstanding before its introduction, it expressed concern that cases were taking too long to complete.

It also criticised the speed at which those with unfounded claims were being removed, and recommended new procedures for the removal of foreign criminals in order to free up detention spaces for the removal of refused asylum seekers.

In response, Donna Covey, Chief Executive of the Refugee Council said:

“It is in everyone’s interests, not least those of refugees, that we have an asylum system that works well and provides safety to those who need it. There are a number of reasons why someone whose asylum claim has been refused has not returned home, in many cases it is simply not safe for them to do so. Locking more people up is categorically not the answer.”