'Now I can use my skills in the NHS' - Refugee Council
May 9, 2016

‘Now I can use my skills in the NHS’

Mukhayer is a refugee doctor from Sudan. With the unwavering support of the Refugee Council, he can now use his skills in the NHS. Here, Mukhayer shares his experiences of working with us.

Refugee Council Personal & Professional Development courses for professionals provide crucial retraining for all refugees, including new NHS health professionals. Now that I have got my medical exam results, I feel I must thank the Refugee Council for the useful and rewarding courses.

These courses for communication, management and understanding team work in the UK undoubtedly helped me pass my medical exams and gave me an essential understanding of working in the UK.

I must admit that at first I didn’t see the link between medicine and management. However, it was soon obvious to me and to my colleagues that those skills are the backbone of doctors offering a quality service.

Patient centered services in the NHS rely on creating an environment that allows the patient to open up.

The skills offered by the Refugee Council in this training are essential for refugee health workers who have trained abroad and embrace different work cultures. Many medical schools teach that leadership health environment means ‘doctors are Gods’. However, I now see that it is through cooperation, trust and encouragement that the doctor – patient team defeats disease.

The concepts presented at the sessions were crucial for me not only professionally but personally. They helped me relieve the stress I suffered through my past experiences and regain control of my private life.

Skills around personal development, building portfolios and presentation skills boosted my confidence. In my interactions with patients I am much more relaxed and self-assured.

The skills reflected in these Refugee Council training sessions are of utmost importance for doctors. I have no doubt that without this course I would not have passed my medical exams. We are very lucky to have volunteers like our teacher John who have given us such valuable support.

I am so proud to have the chance to use my skills in the National Health Service of my adopted home.