Campaign with us - Refugee Council

Campaign with us

You can help achieve positive change for refugees in the UK. Make sure the government knows you want a safer and more welcoming society for people seeking safety - campaign with us and others like you.

Photo by Ingrid Turner

The asylum system in the UK is fraught with problems that compound the suffering of refugees and people seeking asylum. By campaigning with us you can join a growing movement that is pushing for an asylum system that is fair, humane, and effective – so that refugees can get the protection they need and can rebuild their lives. To stay up to date on our campaigns, don’t forget to sign up to our email updates.

Current campaigns

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    Refugee Week
    A celebration of the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees.
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    Fair Shot
    A football movement uniting fans across the country towards a goal of fairness and compassion for all.
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    No Dad Jokes Without Dad
    Help us change the law to reunite refugee children with their parents: you can start by sharing the dad jokes that refugee parents can't.
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    Together With Refugees
    New UK Government policies abandon people fleeing war and persecution. We’re calling for a more humane approach to people seeking protection in the UK.
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    Families Together
    Current UK law allows adult refugees rebuilding their lives in the country to sponsor their immediate family members to join them, but child refugees are completely deprived this right.
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    Lift the Ban
    Right now, right here in the UK, people seeking asylum are banned from working and forced to live on just less than £6.50 a day.
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    A Fair and Humane Asylum System
    No matter where you are from or which war you are running from, your life matters!

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