Supporting RCOs to champion the needs and aspirations of refugees in UK.

London Refugee Advocacy Forum

The Refugee Council works together with RCOs in London to put the voices of refugee communitees at the heart of any decision-making process that affects them.


London Refugee Advocacy Forum

The forum brings together Refugee Community Organisations (RCOs) to champion the needs of refugee communities in London. Find out about London Refugee Advocacy Forum

Stay informed with the RCO Connect newsletter

Timely information is essential to the work of refugee community organisations. RCO Connect contains useful funding information, training and networking opportunities, consultations, campaigns and other opportunities to influence policy, strategic planning and services.

Please find copies of recent RCO Connect listed below:



Sign up to RCO Connect

Receive our newsletter dedicated to Refugee Community Organisations. Find out about Sign up to RCO Connect

Free training and networking events to strengthen your organisation

We provide free organisational development training to RCOs. This includes fundraising and other forms of income generation, partnership development and collaboration, and measuring and demonstrating impact.

We also organise pan-London events to facilitate debate, share best practice and address common challenges. Involving refugees, RCO leaders, mainstream providers, policy makers and funders, they give RCOs the opportunity to contribute ideas on how best their needs can be met.

Assess the health of your organisation

The organisational self-assessment tool is a quality assurance resource for organisations that want to make sure that they are developing according to best practice. The tool is especially helpful for those that are developing or struggling to sustain their services in a more competitive and demanding funding environment. It also helps identify the best resources and support services available locally and London-wide.

The self-assessment tool is structured around standards in four quality areas:

  • Governance
  • Managing resources (Finance, Staff, Volunteers)
  • User Involvement, Equality and Diversity
  • Performance management

Download the RCO self-assessment tool