‘First Steps to Work’ – Entry Level Employability Course, In partnership with the National Zakat Foundation - Refugee Council

‘First Steps to Work’ – Entry Level Employability Course, In partnership with the National Zakat Foundation

This is an entry-level employability course providing support through a mixture of group online courses, 1-to-1 sessions and individual advice and guidance from our employment advisors. The support will begin in April and succesful applicants will receive support for 9 months. Included within this programme is limited funding to support accredited entry-level training courses.

Please note the ‘First Steps to Work’ course is in partnership with the National Zakat Foundation, a charity supporting Muslims in the UK, clients will have to meet both the Refugees Into Jobs and the National Zakat Foundation’s eligibility criteria for this course.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Refugee status, family reunion, humanitarian protection, Resettlement schemes with evidence (E-visa screenshot), Home Office letter, or family reunion visa as applicable
  • Living in England
  • Basic digital skills
  • English speaking and listening ESOL Entry 2 and above
  • Over 18 years old
  • Clients will also have to meet the National Zakat Foundation’s eligibility criteria

Apply now!

To show your interest and to find out more about the course please email rij@refugeecouncil.org.uk.