Do your own fundraising - Refugee Council

Do your own fundraising

There are plenty of ways you can raise money for the Refugee Council. Whether you want to run a marathon, take part in a sponsored cycle, or take on your own unique challenge our fundraising team is here to help!

Whatever you do, the money you raise will help refugees and people seeking asylum to rebuild their lives in safety. This could be through receiving therapy, being supported to find employment, or helping children who have been separated from their families.

After I heard about the Refugee Council, they helped me very much. Alyse, originally from Turkey

Kickstart your fundraising today!

Rachel (in the middle) worked incredibly hard to help raise money for refugees in need. Rachel (in the middle) worked incredibly hard to help raise money for refugees in need.

It was an absolute pleasure to fundraise for everyone who is helped by the Refugee Council. I have huge respect for the work that you all do.

I challenged myself and am happy to say that I managed it!

This is Rachel, one of our amazing supporters who raised £332 completing the 50-mile Longmynd Hike with 10,000 feet of climbing in 17 hours and 46 minutes.

Thank you so much Rachel—we’re so grateful for your support!


Show your support today

Help us to achieve our vision of living in a society where refugees are welcome to live safe and fulfilling lives contributing to the UK. Your support will always help to transform the lives of refugees and people seeking asylum.

Your support could help us to:

  • Provide therapy to support a child refugee to cope with their trauma and grief
  • Lobby politicians and push the government to commit to resettling refugees for years to come, ensuring the UK remains a safe place for refugees
  • Support a refugee with employability skills such as CV writing and preparing for a job interview.

Want to talk to somebody about your ideas?

Contact our team at the details below.


Contact details

Supporter Care Team