Refugee Advice Project

Advice for people recently recognised as refugees.

Refugee Advice Project
Please note that the Refugee Advice Project London is not accepting new referrals at this time.
What is this service?
If you live in London, the Refugee Council runs an advice service. This is for newly recognised refugees who are homeless or at risk of destitution.
We can advise new refugees on issues relating to:
- Welfare rights
- Housing
- Access to health services
- Homelessness
- Finances
Take a look at our information pack. It will help you access support you are entitled to as a refugee.
Download the Housing Information Sheet for Newly Recognised Refugees [PDF] now.
This information pack was written by St Mungo’s and adapted by the Refugee Council for newly recognised refugees.
It includes actions to take to avoid destitution upon leaving Asylum Support Accommodation.
Can I use this service?
You can access this service if you have:
- Recently been recognised as refugees. within the last six months
- A local connection to a London borough
How do I contact this service?
Please email for more information.