Independent Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children Support Service (IUSS)

What is this service?

Our advisers work with children Under 18 seeking asylum, who have arrived in the UK without a parent or guardian. They provide advice on seeking asylum. They provide guidance on the child protection systems in the UK.

Our advisers also work with professionals. They provide guidance on supporting children in this situation.

We help children by:

  • Advising on the asylum system in the UK.
  • Advising on how to claim asylum.
  • Advising on how to find legal help.
  • Going with them to asylum interviews.
  • Going with them to immigration tribunals.
  • Going with them to any appeal hearings.
  • Advising on placements and housing, for example foster care, residential children’s homes, supported housing and semi-independent living.
  • Advising on schools and colleges
  • Helping to locate their family.
  • Finding help for health problems.
  • Being a friendly face.
  • Providing support for children arriving at Dover.

Useful resources

See this diagram of the asylum process for separated children [PDF].

Read our Welcome to the UK booklet to find out more about the roles of those helping separated children seeking asylum.

Can I use this service?

You can use this service if you are:

  • A child under 18
  • Seeking asylum.
  • In the UK without a parent or guardian.
  • Any professional supporting a child who is in the UK without a parent or guardian.

If you are over the age of 18, please contact Migrant Help on 0808 8010 503.

We cannot help with Age Disputes or act as Appropriate Adults for Age Assessments

How do I contact this service?

If you are an unaccompanied child, please call our freephone advice number:

  • 0808 175 3499

or message us via WhatsApp:

  • 07888 866 615

If you are a professional, please call our advice line:

  • 020 7346 1134

Alternately, please email us at