First Steps to Work

What is this service?

This is an entry-level employability course providing support through a mixture of group online courses, one-to-one sessions and individual advice and guidance from our employment advisors.

The support will begin in April 2025 and succesful applicants will receive support for nine months.

Included within this programme is limited funding to support accredited entry-level training courses.

Can I use this service?

Please note the First Steps to Work course is in partnership with the National Zakat Foundation, a charity supporting Muslims in the UK.

Clients will have to meet both the Refugees Into Jobs and the National Zakat Foundation’s eligibility criteria for this course.

You can access this service if you are:

  • Refugee status, family reunion, humanitarian protection, Resettlement schemes with evidence (E-visa screenshot), Home Office letter, or family reunion visa as applicable
  • Living in England
  • Basic digital skills
  • English speaking and listening ESOL Entry 2 and above
  • Over 18 years old
  • Clients will also have to meet the National Zakat Foundation’s eligibility criteria

How do I contact this service?

To access this service, please email us show your interest and to find out more about the course.